onizou idea nomads - nctu hsinchu - gerhard seizer & klara sibeck
gathering strength before the presentation








Hello Hsinchu, windy city. A place known as the heart of the Taiwanese semiconductor industry, and a place in the heart of Klara as it was the first Asian city she ever lived in. At that time she was an exchange student at National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), this time she is back as the IDEA NOMADS for a lunch seminar at the Chalmers Asia office, run by a group of Swedish students from Chalmers University of Technology. The seminar turned into a nice gathering with candy from the IKEA food store and a group of students small enough for an extensive session of Q&A after our presentation. The IDEA NOMADS also took some time to explore the campus and its big mirror sculptures. More fun than any amusement park. Great to see you again Chalmers Asia, good luck with your exams.


onizou idea nomads - nctu hsinchu - gerhard seizer & klara sibeck
the audience
onizou idea nomads - nctu hsinchu - gerhard seizer & klara sibeck
Klara & Gerhard touring around campus
onizou idea nomads - nctu hsinchu - gerhard seizer & klara sibeck
we all need a place to rest